Etica-mente is also a philosophical yearly academic journal with ISSN 2724-3745, enlisted as Scientific Journal by ANVUR for Area 11 (Moral Philosophy). The official name of the journal is Etica-mente. L’annuario. The journal is Open Access, the articles are published under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license and authors retain their rights on their contributions.

The scope and aim of the journal is to explore and discuss the crucial philosophical issues possibly in the light of current and pressing issues, stemming from technology, art, politics, and related to core themes in the field of philosophy, particularly ethics and philosophical anthropology.

The journal calls for papers on specific topics and also invites submissions on any topics of the author’s choice. Accepted languages are Italian, English, Spanish, French. Please, see the current CFP and deadlines for the next upcoming issue.


The paper should focus on any philosophical issues linked to the concept of limes — a latin word for limit — and as such, it invites contributions from several philosophical fields. Papers might refer to the limits of human nature and focus on one or more perspectives of philosophical anthropology, e.g., Scheler, Gehlen, Plessner. The topic of the limitedness of the human condition might be discussed with reference to modern ethics, e.g., Pascal, Descartes, Kierkegaard, or to contemporary philosophy and its wide production, e.g., existentialism. Papers might highlight the role of technology in shaping the human condition and whether it sets new limits, e.g, Ortega y Gasset, Heidegger, or whether it calls for a discussion on the limits of life standards as in the perspectives of social ethics or environmental ethics. Other possible topics might focus on the concept of hybris and how it relates to virtue, liberty. The concept of limit also invites an exploration of alterity: what is beyond the border, as a stranger, as a migrant, as other. The limits in terms of borders between sexes and the social discriminations, e.g., de Beauvoir, feminism. The border also separates exterior from interior: the topic of the self might be analyzed, in relation with the concept of identity, loneliness, alienation. Analyses of inclusive perspectives might be central for this CFP.  Hence, limit also refers to border and can be analyzed in the dialectic of open/close in political philosophy, e.g., Popper, Foucault, or since the theories on the just society in ancient philosophy, e.g., Plato, Aristotle, up to Contractarianism. Limits might refer to the limitedness of human knowledge, as in Kant, or also in terms of the limits of humans senses and perceptions, exploring the topics of epistemology, or the limits of language, e.g., Wittgenstein or other contributions in philosophy of language. Papers might consider the attempt of overcome the human limits discussing the role of God and deities in philosophy of religion, in western or non-western traditions.

The proposal should offer a philosophical analysis about the topic and should not exceed the length of 30,000 characters, including spaces, abstract and references. Please, follow the editorial formatting style guidelines on our website before submitting a proposal.

Etica-mente is an Open Access journal, with double blind peer review and associates a DOI to each article. The articles are distributed under the Creative Common license (CC BY 4.0).

The submission should be prepared for blind review in 3 files and be sent to [email protected]:
1) anonymous paper
2) abstract (max 100 words)
3) author’s biographical-academic and contact information.

For more details, please feel free to contact the editorial board at [email protected].


.doc or .docx

12, Times New Roman

Justified, no tabs, line spacing 1

30,000 characters, spaces included – abstract and references included (10,000 for reviews)
100 words for the abstract (in English only)
5 keywords (in English only), separated by a comma

Submissions must comply with the blind review, so 3 files must be submitted:
1) anonymous paper
2) abstract
3) author’s bio-academic and contact information


The system is author-date:

(Last name, year, page)

In case of 2 authors:

Last name 1, Last Name 2, year, page)

In case of 3 or more authors

(Last name 1 et al., year, page)

Use quotation marks “…”, not «…». Within quotations use single marks ‘…’.

It is recommended to separate the paper into paragraphs, with number and title. Footnotes must be strictly limited.


References must be placed at the end of the paper and following these rules:

• For books:

Last name, N. Year. Title. Place: Publisher

For editions different from the first one:

Last name, N. Year of the first edition. Title. Place: Publisher, Year of the used edition.

For Italian translations:

Last name, N. Year of the first edition. Original title. Place: Publisher (transl., Title. Place: Publisher, Year).

• For articles in journals, magazines, newspapers:

Last name, N. Year. “Title”. Journal, volume/issue, pages

Last name, N. Year. “Title”. Newspaper, date

• For essays in books:

Last name, N. Year. Title of the essay. In N. Last name (ed.), Title of the book. Place: Publisher, pages

In case of more books from the same author and the same year add a progressive letter after the year:

Last name, N. Yeara. Title. Place: Publisher

Last name, N. YearbTitle. Place: Publisher


One space only between words. One space after punctuation, never before. No spaces within brackets. No spaces in numbers and dates (eg. 15-16, 2005-2006).


No dots, eg. BBC, USA, NATO, DC, PCI.


Italics must be used for:

1) Titles of works of any kind;

2) For any foreign or technical term.

For terms from non-Latin alphabets, use transliterated Latin alphabet.